Male Wellbeing Team

Maxine Buckley (Hypnotherapist NLP Master and trainer )
I used to think that feeling stuck in life was normal….if I just get through this year, then next year will be different. Shouting at the kids all the time was all part of being a busy mum, and calling everyone a wanker whilst driving seemed acceptable. Emotionally eating and binge drinking all seemed perfectly normal to me. Accumulated past trauma had left me exhausted, sleepwalking through life, with low self esteem, anxiety, and lack of vision….I was living in emergency mode on high alert.My passion is to empower those who want to change their life, to let go of trauma, bad habits, to feel confident, to focus on what’s important in life to become the best version of themselves.I love seeing my clients and students full of confidence, achieving goals that they thought were beyond their capabilities, and knowing they have the tools to deal with any future obstacles in a positive manner.Looking after your mental health is essential for a healthy mind and body.Hypnotically yours

Jimmy Bodur
(Jimmy working as a therapist)
My name is Jimmy Bodur and I am a therapist specialized in Hypnosis Therapy. I am here to help those who struggle with issues like lack of confidence, inability to enjoy life, and constant feelings of weakness. From the very first session, I assist them in feeling stronger and more at peace.Hypnosis is a powerful therapy method that can bring about rapid transformations. As a fully qualified and competent therapist, I take pride in helping people make the most out of this powerful tool for personal growth and healing.
Jimmy Bodur