Wart Laser Therapy
What are Warts?
Warts and verrucae are small lumps on the skin that most people have at some point in their life
- About 1 in 10 people in the UK have warts at any one time.
- Caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) they usually go away on their own but can take years (5-10 in adults)
- Different types of Warts are usually common on palms, knuckles, knees and fingers Verrucas appear on the foot
- They may look different but they are essential the same

What are they ?
- They aren’t harmful but can be overgrown, itchy and embarrassing. Verruca can become painful as they grow inwards and root down due to standing on our feet a lot.
- They can spread to other people from contaminated surfaces or through close skin contact
- If someone has HPV virus they are prone to recurrence of warts/verrucae
To be prevent the spread of warts/verrucas
- Avoid sharing towels, shoes or socks
- Wear flip-flops in communal showers
- Cover the wart or verruca with a waterproof plaster when swimming
- Don’t scratch or pick the wart or verruca as it’s more likely to spread
- Avoid biting nails or putting fingers in the mouth
- If you use nail files or pumice stones on the wart or verruca, avoid sharing or using these on other areas of the skin
Benefits of Laser Therapy
- Quick treatments Fewer treatments – usually treated from 1-4
- sessions
- Good clinical outcomes for removal of the lesion
- Lower recurrence rate compared to other methods
- Fewer side effects associated to treatment
- Laser avoids causing damage to the surrounding skin tissue
- Less patient commitment
- If necessary, use a keratolytic agent, such as salicylic acid, one week before treatment to soften and reduce the thickness of the wart/verruca
- Filing of skin tissue can also be done beforehand (note you should wear a mask at all times to prevent virus particles from being inhaled (especially if you are filing it down)
Laser Treatment Protocols
- Clients may need 1-4 treatments Treatments are repeated every 2 weeks
- It can take a few weeks to be sure the treatment has worked so book a review a take pictures
Post treatment Recommendations
- The treatment area may feel uncomfortable, tingly or sore for a few hours after May immediately look yellow or frosted
- The area may scab, blister and appear red
- The area may turn dark and bruised for 6-12days post treatment
- Avoid heat treatments and pressure on the area and picking blisters that form
Each treatment | £ 30.00 |